Curriculum Goals for 4-5 year olds
Social Emotional Development
Demonstrates ability to adjust to new situations
Engages in social interaction/play with others
Engages in imaginative play and inventive thinking
Participates in group time 5-10 minutes
Demonstrates understanding of rules and social expectations
Engages in social problem solving and learns to resolve conflict
Seeks adult assistance when needed
Follows classroom routines
Identifies and labels feelings in self and others
Self-Care & Personal Responsibility
Demonstrates respect and care for classroom materials
Participates in clean up
Accepts responsibility when asked
Takes care of own bathroom and hand washing needs
Keeps track of personal belongings at school
Gross Motor
Demonstrates basic large motor skills (running, jumping hopping, galloping, riding trike)
Demonstrates balancing skills
Throws and catches medium size ball
Fine Motor
Cuts drawn shape w/out assistance
Holds pencil with ease
Begins to make recognizable shapes, letters and representational drawings
Grasps and manipulates small items
Exhibits eye hand coordination
Cognitive Development
Observes and examines objects to gather information
Demonstrates problem solving skills
Points to and names colors
Demonstrates position words
Demonstrates knowledge of patterns
Recognizes and names shapes
Recognizes written numbers 1-10
Counts objects using one to one correspondence
Puts objects in size order
Continues to work on a task even when experiencing difficulties
Sorts objects by color, size or shape
Begins to understand simple measurement
Language Skills
Speech is understandable by strangers
Communicates in full sentences
Answers questions with a complete thought (more than yes or no)
Understands and follows verbal directions of 2 or more steps
Recognizes that print carries meaning
Recognizes and attempts to write own name
Recognizes many alphabet letters and sounds
Retells general ideas of stories when asked
Recognizes and names opposites and rhyming words
Participates in song and movement activities
Demonstrates ability to adjust to new situations
Engages in social interaction/play with others
Engages in imaginative play and inventive thinking
Participates in group time 5-10 minutes
Demonstrates understanding of rules and social expectations
Engages in social problem solving and learns to resolve conflict
Seeks adult assistance when needed
Follows classroom routines
Identifies and labels feelings in self and others
Self-Care & Personal Responsibility
Demonstrates respect and care for classroom materials
Participates in clean up
Accepts responsibility when asked
Takes care of own bathroom and hand washing needs
Keeps track of personal belongings at school
Gross Motor
Demonstrates basic large motor skills (running, jumping hopping, galloping, riding trike)
Demonstrates balancing skills
Throws and catches medium size ball
Fine Motor
Cuts drawn shape w/out assistance
Holds pencil with ease
Begins to make recognizable shapes, letters and representational drawings
Grasps and manipulates small items
Exhibits eye hand coordination
Cognitive Development
Observes and examines objects to gather information
Demonstrates problem solving skills
Points to and names colors
Demonstrates position words
Demonstrates knowledge of patterns
Recognizes and names shapes
Recognizes written numbers 1-10
Counts objects using one to one correspondence
Puts objects in size order
Continues to work on a task even when experiencing difficulties
Sorts objects by color, size or shape
Begins to understand simple measurement
Language Skills
Speech is understandable by strangers
Communicates in full sentences
Answers questions with a complete thought (more than yes or no)
Understands and follows verbal directions of 2 or more steps
Recognizes that print carries meaning
Recognizes and attempts to write own name
Recognizes many alphabet letters and sounds
Retells general ideas of stories when asked
Recognizes and names opposites and rhyming words
Participates in song and movement activities